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  1. 應收帳款 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

  2. 應收賬款 - MBA智库百科

  3. Accounts Receivable (AR): Definition, Uses, and Examples

  4. 應收帳款是什麼?如何管理?-CMoney財經百科

  5. 應收帳款 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

  6. ac·counts re·ceiv·able
    1. money owed to a company by its debtors.
    深入了解 accounts receivable
  7. Understanding Accounts Receivable (Definition and Examples)

  8. 应收账款是什么? 了解应收账款 (AR) 及其重要性的指南 | Payoneer

  9. Accounts receivable - Wikipedia

  10. 《財經詞彙》應收帳款(Accounts Receivable(AR))

  11. Accounts Receivable: Definitions & Examples

    網頁2022年4月28日 · Accounts receivable is the amount of credit sales that are not collected in cash. When you sell on credit, you give the customer an invoice and don’t collect cash at the point of sale. Accounts receivable is …