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  1. 【帛琉旅遊攻略】帛琉自由行詳細行前準備&帛琉景 …

    WEBFeb 9, 2024 · 帛琉Palau) ,一個位於關島西南方印尼北方菲律賓東方的西太平洋島嶼國家由一個大堡礁和無數小島等大大小小多達426個小島所構成這裡空氣清新海水清澈沙灘也乾淨人民友善治安無

  2. 【帛琉旅遊完全指南】景點選擇、住宿攻略、跟團與自由行建議

  3. 2024帛琉自由行》帛琉景點/交通/住宿推薦!快衝牛奶湖/水母湖/ …

  4. 帛琉旅遊|帛琉自由行懶人包,開箱上帝的水族箱!行程、景點、 …

  5. Palau 帛琉旅遊【空姐帶路】當地特色景點推薦大公開 | Richabba

  6. Palau is a beautiful tropical paradise that tourists should not miss exploring. Palau is renowned for it… See more
    Palau is a beautiful tropical paradise that tourists should not miss exploring. Palau is renowned for its pristine beaches, off-road jungle treks, island scenery, and Jellyfish Lake. Those who are up for an adventure can try various water sports, such as scuba diving and kayaking. Palau is also home to Rock Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Discover local flavors by trying out traditional dishes. Other attractions include museums, waterfalls, aquariums, and monuments, making it a must-visit destination for tourists.
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  7. 帛琉四天三夜行程總集:島主獨賞海洋生態及拍無人空 …

    WEBJan 16, 2024 · 帛琉 (Palau或稱帕勞)座落於西太平洋,地理位置鄰近菲律賓、印尼、巴布亞紐幾內亞與關島,蘊藏著美麗且豐富的海洋生態,是潛水愛好者的天堂,加上其重視環境保護,乾淨與深淺有致的海天色系,造就 …

  8. 帛琉住宿推薦【2024】自由行住哪最方便?無敵海景TOP9柯羅帛琉 …

  9. ㊙️2024帛琉飯店訂房指南:10+星級酒店住宿推薦 - 愛旅誌

  10. 帛琉旅遊 四天讓你遊遍精華潛點,一睹華麗海底奇景|國外旅遊|圖 …

  11. 帛琉 旅游攻略 | BringYou


      線上預訂帛琉飯店 - 先訂後付超方便

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