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  1. 2024台南景點推薦|36個台南一日遊行程路線!市區/安平/七股/仁 …

  2. 臺南市文化資產管理處-

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  4. 原台南農校日式宿舍群以鋼棚架保護10年 投入逾1.5億啟動修復

  5. 影/台南前議長吳健保今假釋出獄 阿法7人座接走 「沒什麼要說」 …

  6. 台南市露營區全蒐集(10個) | Super Parents 超級爸媽 | 親子旅遊資 …

  7. Hotels | Tainan City, Taiwan



    Taipung Suites

    Tripadvisor (504)
    4-star hotel · Anping
    "We were pleased with our two nights at Taipung Suites Hotel."

    Hôtel de Ľeau

    Tripadvisor (46)
    5-star hotel · Anping

    Tainan Here Hostel


    Tree House

    Tripadvisor (93)

    Edinburgh Motel

    Microsoft Bing Travel
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  8. 台南前議長吳健保涉職棒假球案 判刑10年今假釋出獄 | 公視新聞 …

  9. 影/台南前議長吳健保今假釋出獄 阿法7人座接走 「沒什麼要說」

  10. 龍麟山步道 - 台灣山林悠遊網 - 林務局全球資訊網

    Web龍麟山步道. 臺南龍麟山步道舊稱桶頭山步道,位於臺南市最東邊內烏山山脈上,是臺南市南化區與高雄市內門區的交界處,屬於烏山步道的一部份。. 龍麟山步道全程2.3公里,是一條環狀登山路線,步道延著山脊線蜿蜒,因 …

  11. 蔡育輝率數百里民赴市府抗議 批經發局毀約興建柳科焚化爐 | 政治 …

  12. 開發芒果授粉昆蟲-麗蠅之飼養技術,提高芒果產量、降低生產成 …

  13. Tainan City is a treasure trove of history and culture in Taiwan. As the oldest city and the first capital of the island, Tainan City has witnessed the rise and fall of … See more
    Tainan City is a treasure trove of history and culture in Taiwan. As the oldest city and the first capital of the island, Tainan City has witnessed the rise and fall of different dynasties and colonial powers. You can explore the rich heritage of Tainan City by visiting its temples, forts, museums, and monuments, such as the Anping Fort, the Chihkan Tower, and the Confucius Temple. You can also enjoy the natural beauty of Tainan City by wandering in its botanical gardens, wetlands, and beaches, where you can see exotic plants and wildlife. And don't forget to taste the delicious local cuisine, such as the famous Tainan oyster omelet, milkfish soup, and coffin bread.
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